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Central Asia & Afghanistan

Culture, arts, literature










General interest

www.a-c-a.info Academics of Central Asia database {sponsored by the Committee for Central and Inner Asia (CCIA)}.
www.ber-waal.de Berliner Wissensressourcen Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika - a general  database on Asian, African and Latin American Studies in Berlin  (institutions & persons).
www.ub.hu-berlin.de/bibliothek/zweigbibliotheken/asienaf/asienaf_lisa.html Linksammlung Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Directory of hyperlinks to resources on Asia & Africa maintained by the Humboldt-University Berlin


List of German Online-Libraries.

www.msf.org Médecins Sans Frontières.
www.iwpr.net The Institute for War & Peace Reporting, London.


Reporters Sans Frontières.

www.amnesty.org Amnesty International.
www.hrw.org Human Rights Watch.


First-hand news for travellers.


Travel guides to Central & Eastern Europe (in German).
Published a 3rd edition of its not-so-funny guide "Usbekistan entdecken" (in German) last year.


Welcome to my hometown !




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Central Asia & Afghanistan


Zentralasien-Seminar der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

http://www.inside-a.com/ "Das Asien-Netzwerk".
General information & resource guide on Asia.
www.dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Asien/Afghanistan/ Search engine - Suchmaschine - Afghanistan (in German).
www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/de/laenderinfos/laender/laender_ausgabe_html?land_id=1&type_id=14 Afghan foreign policy with special focus on Afghan-German bilateral affairs.
www.afghanic.de Afghanistan Information Centrum, Bonn, Germany.
www.afghancommunicator.com AC is based in New York, USA.
www.afghanmania.com/aw/ Afghans in Germany, Austria & Switzerland.
www.afghan-network.net News & information on Afghanistan.
The authors of the website are based in Toronto, Canada.
http://ag-afghanistan.de.vu/ Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft  Afghanistan (AGA; Afghanistan Research Group); incl. an information board (AGA - Files): downloads of articles & recensions of scientific publications on Afghanistan are possible.
http://stud-www.uni-marburg.de/~Alam/ "Willkommen auf Afghanistans Homepage!" [sic!].
A private project run by a student (?) of Marburg University (Germany).
www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/afghanistan.html A collection of Afghan maps at the online library of the University of Texas at Austin.
www.rawa.org The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, established 1977 in Kabul, now based in Quetta, Pakistan.
www.suedasien-online.de/ Information & news from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan and Nepal (in German).
www.thewalt.de/afghanistan/index.html A gallery of photographs taken 1969-1974 in Kabul (esp. the Museum), Bamiyan, Ghazni, Kandahar, Herat & other places in Afghanistan by  Dr. Volker Thewalt, Wiesenbach.
http://www.dfd.dlr.de/app/land/aralsee/index The "Aral Sea Homepage".
http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2004/148/index.html Nasiba Baimatowa:
Die Kunst des Woelbens in Mittelasien : Lehmziegelgewoelbe (4.-3. Jt. v. Chr. - 8. Jh. n. Chr.) - The Art of Vault and Cupola Building in Central Asia.
Digital Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin.
http://www.cagateway.org "The Central Asian Gateway" - Central Asian Website on Development Issues.
www.ca-c.org "Central Asia And The Caucasus" - Information and Analytical Center (Sweden). Online materials in English and Russian.
www.cacianalyst.org Central Asia Analyst online journal.
www.centralasiacommerce.com "Business Resource and Directory covering the Newly Independent States" (self-description by the initiator) - Main focus on economy and doing business in Central Asia.
www.cimera.org A private, non-profit organization, based in Geneva (Switzerland), that focuses the development of the media in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Balkans.
www.deutsch-usbekische-gesellschaft.de Deutsch-Usbekische Gesellschaft e. V., Bonn.
www.eavest.ru "Вестник Евразии - Acta Eurasica". A quarterly published by the Educational, Research and Publishing Center "Vestnik Yevraziyi" (Moscow) in Russian.
www.vedamsbooks.com Indian books published by Vedam on Asia, India and many other regions, countries (Afghanistan, Central Asia ...) and disciplines (anthropology, cinema/films, Islamic studies ...): "... the most comprehensive annotated catalogue of books published in India." (Vedam's self description).
www.iias.nl International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), based in Leiden and Amsterdam.
www.khabar.kz Kazakh government news agency.
www.kabar.kg Kyrgyz government news agency.
www.times.kg "The Times of Central Asia" (based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) online version.
http://biblioline.nisc.com/scripts/login.dll?login&nameÎSS&pwd=MECAS Bibliographic Resource on Middle East and Central Asia // Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies (MECAS) hosted by NISC.com.
Base Subscription Rate for Online or CD-ROM access is US$895.00 per year (by spring 2004).
http://www.abimperio.net "Ab Imperio" - a quarterly dedicated to studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the post-Soviet space. (English and Russian).
Theorie und Geschichte der Nationalitäten und National-bewegungen im postsowjetischen Raum."
www.pipss.org The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies.
www.riifs.org Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS), Amman (Jordan).
Host of the Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES-2), 11-16 June 2006.
WOCMES-1 was hosted by the University of Mainz, Germany, in 2002.


Wide information on politics (not only) in Russia and some of the CIS members (for subscribers).


Toshkent - Taschkent - Tashkent 2004. My other online slide show of the capital of Uzbekistan.
http://rescent.freenet.uz Samarkand Resource Center, (Uzbekistan).
Placed in the building of Samarkand State University, Faculty of History.

Recommandations of the South Asia Institute of the University of Heidelberg: A selection of German TV programmes with focus on Asia, Asian studies and international politics.

http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jhs/ Journal of the History of Sufism.
Publisheed by Jean Maisonneuve - Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient - Paris


Information channel providing news about Tajikistan.


An interesting collection of Tajik maps at the online library of the University of Texas at Austin.

www.turkmenistan.ru [ Интернет-газета Turkmenistan.ru ] - Online- Guide on politics, business, travel etc. in Russian.
www.chaihana.com The Peace Corps Friends of Turkmenistan Website.
turkmenistannews.net Turkmenistan News.net - News, Finance, Sport, Weather


Uyghur Information Agency (a non-profit organisation based in the United States).

www.uzbekistan.de Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Germany.
www.uzland.com Online- Guide on Uzbekistan, lots of but not only touristic information.
www.uzland.uz "Informacionnyj spravotchnik po Uzbekistanu" in Russian & English.

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Culture, arts, literature

www.karo-kurt.de Uwe Handrick, painter & ceramist in Berlin.
http://www.luisedewerny.de/ Luise Dewerny, painter in Berlin
www.gundi.de In memoriam Gerhard Gundermann.


KulturFabrik Hoyerswerda e.V. - Programme.


Cornelia Kühn-Leitz; actress & reciter from Hannover, trained by Piscator.


Rare & second-hand books are for sale at the "Zentralverzeichnis antiquarischer Bücher" (Central German catalogue of second-hand books).

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